Article 11215

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Rassadina Tat'yana Anatol'evna, Doctor of sociological sciences, associate professor, professor at the sub-department of public relations and advertising, Ulyanovsk State University
(42 Tolstogo street, Ulyanovsk, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The research subject is the influence of Internet communication on Internet addiction forming. The problems of psychological nature and dynamics of Internet addiction development are actively studied by foreign and Russian authors. At the same time, there exist information-communicative aspects of Internet addiction forming in users that are embedded in communication, educational and professional activity, routine of youth first of all. These aspects are to be researched. The research tasks include determination of preconditions of Internet addiction forming, associated with peculiarities and mechanismsof Internet communication; identification of Internet addicts; compilation of a sociocultural description of an Internet addicted personality; extraction of types of information causing Internet addiction.
Materials and methods. The methodological base included traditional principles, approaches to researching, such as the principle of interconnection and interaction of social factors and processes; the method of formal-logical analysis of notions, the comparative method; the secondary analysis of sociological data. The emprirical base of the work included the results of the sociological survey conducted among social network users. The sample population totaled 425 respondents; the sampling was random, unrepeated. The research method was the online-questionnaire. The form was posted on a special website, the link to which was spread in social networks. 
Results and conclusions. The research proves that the Internet is actively used for communication, often compensating various psychological (private and communicative) problems of users, causing Internet addiction in some of them. At the same time one may conclude about a necessity of shifting a viewpoint of Internet addiction consideration from a psychological, medical one to an information-communicative one. The Internet is becoming the main source of information, required in professional, educational activitiy, miscellaneous information and information for orientation in the world in general. To this purpose people use first of all social networks. The Internet in general and social networks in particular sufficiently satisfy the need for various information, the need to have own reference groups and societies. The Internet and social networks create and intensify these needs, transfer user to the next level of information saturation, internal and external obility, psychological stress and comfort, create a desire to constantly come back to the virtual space and stay there for a long time, become more attractive for users, causing the state of addiction. The author suggested indexes of the formed Internet addiction of the information- communicative nature, revealed the symptoms thereof in the respondents, showed the influence of the network resources’ connection with professional and education activity on formation of Intenrnet addiction. The research results are to draw attention to occurrence of Internet addiction in ordinary users, having no initially significant psychological problems, in the process of daily usage of online information-communicative resources. To solve this problem it is necessary to perform applied researches and prepare practical recommendation with the help of experts.

Key words

Internet communication, addiction, Internet addiction, Internet addicted personality, information-communicative aspect of Internet addiction.

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Дата создания: 10.10.2015 13:55
Дата обновления: 10.10.2015 15:16